Stage Carriage

Service Types

The different types of stage services are
1. Town Service a) Ordinary service
b) Express service
2. Mofussil Services a) Ordinary service

Express Service

Temporary Permit

1. Application to be used : Form PUCA as prescribed under Rule 171(iv) of T.S.M.V.Rules.
2. Document to be enclosed to the Temporary Permit application. :
  1. Neat sketch of the route in triplicate with stage to stage distances and all important roads connected to the route in question.
  2. Time-table.
  3. Payment of green tax wherever applicable.
  4. The resolution of the RTA/STA or the order of the Court
3. Fee to be paid : As prescribed

Pucca Permit

1. Application to be used : Form PSCA as prescribed under Rule 171(i) of T.S.M.V.Rules.
2. Document to be enclosed to the Pucca Permit application. :
  1. Neat sketch of the route in triplicate with stage to stage distances and all important roads connected to the route in question.
  2. Time Table
  3. Payment of green tax wherever applicable.
  4. The resolution of the RTA/STA or the order of the Court
3. Fee to be paid : As prescribed


1. Application to be used : Form PSCA as prescribed under Rule 171(i) of T.S.M.V.Rules, 1989.
2. Documents to be enclosed to the application :
  1. Original Permit
  2. Registration Certificate.
  3. Insurance Certificate.
  4. Proof of payment of tax for the current quarter.
  5. No object certificate from the financier if the vehicle concerned is covered by HPA / Lease / Hypothecation.
  6. Payment of green tax wherever applicable.
  7. The resolution of the RTA/STA or the order of the Court
3. Fee to be paid : As prescribed
4. Manner of payment of Fee : The fee can be paid in cash in the office or through a Treasury Challan.


1. Application to be used : Form PSCA as prescribed under Rule 171(i) of T.S.M.V.Rules, 1989.
2. Records to be filed along with the application. :
  1. Registration Certificate.
  2. Fitness Certificate.
  3. nsurance Certificate.
  4. Proof of payment of tax for the current quarter.
  5. Death Certificate in relation to the permit holder.
  6. Copy of the letter in which the death of the permit holder was intimated to the competent Authority.
  7. An affidavit to the effect that other members of the family do not have any objection for the transfer of the vehicle and the permit in respect thereof to the applicant, duly attested by a notary should be submitted.
  8. The resolution of the RTA/STA or the order of the Court
  9. Payment of green tax wherever applicable.
3. Fee to be paid : As prescribed

Death Transfer

1. Application to be used : Form PSCA as prescribed under Rule 171(i) of T.S.M.V.Rules, 1989.
2. Records to be filed along with the application. :
  1. Registration Certificate.
  2. Fitness Certificate.
  3. Insurance Certificate.
  4. Proof of payment of tax for the current quarter.
  5. Death Certificate in relation to the permit holder.
  6. Copy of the letter in which the death of the permit holder was intimated to the competent Authority.
  7. Legal Heir Certificate issued by a competent Authority enabling the applicant to succeed to possession of the vehicle and the permit. (or)
  8. “Proper person Certificate” or “Family members Certificate” issued by the Mandal Revenue Officer concerned.
  9. If “Proper person Certificate” or “Family members Certificate” issued by the Mandal Revenue Officer concerned is enclosed an affidavit to the effect that other members of the family do not have any objection for the transfer of the vehicle and the permit in respect thereof to the applicant, duly attested by a notary should be submitted.
  10. The resolution of the RTA/STA or the order of the Court
  11. Payment of green tax wherever applicable.
3. Fee to be paid : As prescribed

Duplicate Permit

1. Application to be used : Form PSCA as prescribed under Rule 171(i) of T.S.M.V.Rules, 1989.
2. Documents to be enclosed to the application. :
  1. A Certificate to the effect that the permit was lost irretraceably issued by the Station House Officer concerned.
  2. Defaced or mutilated or completely written off in original if the Duplicate Permit is asked on the surrender of the said defaced/mutilated/ completely written off permit.
  3. The resolution of the RTA/STA or the order of the Court
  4. Payment of green tax wherever applicable.
3. Fee to be paid : As prescribed


1. Application to be used : Form PSCA as prescribed under Rule 171(i) of T.S.M.V.Rules, 1989.
2. Documents to be enclosed to the application. :
  1. Neat sketch of the existing route and the portion related to the variation with stage to stage to stage distances with all the important roads connected to the route in question duly shown in triplicate.
  2. Statement showing the details of the existing trips and the proposed trips.
  3. Existing time table and the proposed time table.
  4. Original Permit.
  5. Fitness Certificate.
  6. Insurance Certificate.
  7. Proof of payment of tax for the current quarter.
  8. Original Authorisation granted.(In respect of National Permit Vehicle)
  9. Demand Draft/s with regard to payment of composite tax/taxes.(In respect of National Permit Vehicle, if required.)
  10. The resolution of the RTA/STA or the order of the Court
  11. Payment of green tax wherever applicable.
3. Fee to be paid : As prescribed under Rule 236 of T.S.M.V.Rules.

Vehicle Replacement

1. Application to be used : Form PSCA as prescribed under Rule 171(i) of T.S.M.V.Rules, 1989.
2. Records to be filed along with the application :
  1. Original permit.
  2. Registration Certificate of the existing vehicle and the vehicle proposed for replacing the existing vehicle.
  3. Fitness Certificate of the existing vehicle and the vehicle proposed for replacing the existing vehicle..
  4. Insurance Certificate in respect of the existing vehicle and the vehicle proposed for replacing the existing vehicle.
  5. The resolution of the RTA/STA or the order of the Court
  6. Payment of green tax wherever applicable.
  7. Proof of payment of tax for of the existing vehicle and the vehicle proposed for replacing the existing vehicle. the current quarter.

    (If the existing vehicle under stoppage, it need not have valid F.C., valid I.C., and it need not be covered by payment of tax for the current quarter provided the stoppage is genuine).

3. Fee to be paid : As prescribed under Rule 211 of T.S.M.V.Rules.

If the incoming vehicle differs in allowable material respects from the old vehicle variation fee as prescribed under Rule 236 of T.S.M.V.Rules shall also be collected.

Address Change

1. Application to be used : Form PSCA as prescribed under Rule 171(i) of T.S.M.V.Rules, 1989.
2. Documents to be enclosed to the application. :
  1. Original Permit.
  2. Registration Certificate.
  3. Valid Fitness Certificate.
  4. Valid Insurance Certificate.
  5. No-objection Certificate from the Financier if the vehicle is covered by Hire purchase Agreement/Hypothecation/ Lease.
  6. Proof of changed address of Residence/Place of Business.
  7. The resolution of the RTA/STA or the order of the Court.
  8. Payment of green tax wherever applicable.
3. Fee to be paid : As prescribed


1. Application to be used : Form PSCA as prescribed under Rule 171(i) of T.S.M.V.Rules, 1989.
2. Records to be filed along with the application. :
  1. Original permit.
  2. Registration Certificate of the existing vehicle and the vehicle proposed for replacing the existing vehicle.
  3. Fitness Certificate of the existing vehicle and the vehicle proposed for replacing the existing vehicle..
  4. Insurance Certificate in respect of the existing vehicle and the vehicle proposed for replacing the existing vehicle.
  5. The resolution of the RTA/STA or the order of the Court
  6. Payment of green tax wherever applicable.
  7. Proof of payment of tax for of the existing vehicle and the vehicle proposed for replacing the existing vehicle. the current quarter.

    (If the existing vehicle under stoppage, it need not have valid F.C., valid I.C., and it need not be covered by payment of tax for the current quarter provided the stoppage is genuine).

3. Fee to be paid : As prescribed under Rule 211 of T.S.M.V.Rules.

If the incoming vehicle differs in allowable material respects from the old vehicle variation fee as prescribed under Rule 236 of T.S.M.V.Rules shall also be collected.

Timings Change

1. Application to be used : Form PSCA as prescribed under Rule 171(i) of T.S.M.V.Rules, 1989.
2. Records to be filed along with the application. :
  1. Registration Certificate of the vehicle.
  2. Fitness Certificate.
  3. Insurance Certificate of the vehicle.
  4. Proof of payment of tax for the current Quarter.
  5. The resolution of the RTA/STA or the order of the Court.
  6. Payment of green tax wherever applicable.
3. Fee to be paid : As prescribed
4. Manner of payment of Fee : Fee should be paid directly in the Bank through a Treasury challan.

Additional Trips

1. Application to be used : Form PSCA as prescribed under Rule 171(i) of T.S.M.V.Rules, 1989.
2. Records to be filed along with the application. :
  1. Registration Certificate of the vehicle.
  2. Fitness Certificate.
  3. Insurance Certificate of the vehicle.
  4. Proof of payment of tax for the current Quarter.
  5. The resolution of the RTA/STA or the order of the Court.
  6. Payment of green tax wherever applicable.
3. Fee to be paid : As prescribed
4. Manner of payment of Fee : Fee should be paid directly in the Bank through a Treasury challan.


1. Application to be used : Form PSCA as prescribed under Rule 171(i) of T.S.M.V.Rules, 1989.
2. Records to be filed along with the application. :
  1. Registration Certificate of the vehicle.
  2. Fitness Certificate.
  3. Insurance Certificate of the vehicle.
  4. Proof of payment of tax for the current Quarter.
  5. The resolution of the RTA/STA or the order of the Court.
  6. Payment of green tax wherever applicable.
3. Fee to be paid : As prescribed
4. Manner of payment of Fee : Fee should be paid directly in the Bank through a Treasury challan.