Vehicle Replacement

Vehicle Replacement

1. Application to be used : Form PUCA as prescribed under rule 171(iii) of T.S.M.V.Rules, 1989.
2. Records to be filed along with the application :
  1. Original permit.
  2. Registration Certificate of the existing vehicle and the vehicle proposed for replacing the existing vehicle.
  3. Fitness Certificate of the existing vehicle and the vehicle proposed for replacing the existing vehicle.
  4. Insurance Certificate in respect of the existing vehicle and the vehicle proposed for replacing the existing vehicle.
  5. Payment of green tax wherever applicable.
  6. Proof of payment of tax for of the existing vehicle and the vehicle proposed for replacing the existing vehicle the current quarter.
    (If the existing vehicle under stoppage, it need not have valid F.C., valid I.C., and it need not be covered by payment of tax for the current quarter provided the stoppage is genuine).
3. Fee to be paid : As prescribed under Rule 211 of T.S.M.V.Rules.
If the incoming vehicle differs in allowable material respects from the old vehicle variation fee as prescribed under Rule 236 of T.S.M.V.Rules shall also be collected.